Teach courses in anthropology or archeology. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
Jobs available locally 10,258 |
Demand Locally +1 % |
Annual Wage Range $50,998 – $214,067 |
Assist social scientists in laboratory, survey, and other social science research. May help prepare findings for publication and assist in laboratory analysis, quality control, or data management.
Jobs available locally 123 |
Demand Locally +2 % |
Annual Wage Range $26,878 – $100,946 |
Study the origin, development, and behavior of human beings. May study the way of life, language, or physical characteristics of people in various parts of the world. May engage in systematic recovery and examination of material evidence, such as tools or pottery remaining from past human cultures, in order to determine the history, customs, and living habits of earlier civilizations.
Jobs available locally 53 |
Demand Locally +2 % |
Annual Wage Range $39,087 – $114,673 |
Program Level:
Social Sciences
Science & Technology
Anthropology Courses Links of Interest Faculty & Staff Apply Now
About the Program
Anthropology provides both Natural Science credits and Social Science credits. Anthropology links many other areas of study for the purposes of understanding humanity and the many intricacies found therein. Anthropology as a whole is a robust discipline that will help lay a critical foundation for where ever your academic, professional, and personal ambitions lie. Join us and take on an adventure that will change the way you understand the world and its many people.
What will I learn?Human evolution, qualitative and quantitative research methods, ways of being of other cultures, past civilizations, forensics, paleoanthropology, social justice, and so much more. |
What can I do with this course of study?Anthropologists land a wide variety of jobs from research at major universities to tech industry start-ups and even law enforcement. |
What is special about this program?
It is interdisciplinary and hands-on. We get you out into the field with experts as soon as possible.
Degrees and Certificates |
Transfer Advising Guides |
Available Courses:
ANTH 2301/Physical Anthropology ANTH 2304/Physical Anthropology + Lab |
ANTH 2302/Archaeology ANTH 2351/Cultural Anthropology |
Physical Anthropology/ANTH 2301
Physical Anthropology is a Natural Science credit that focuses on the story of human evolution and the innumerable biological and cultural realities at play there. This class involves working with fossils, learning about forensics, and visiting the world’s largest population of captive baboons!
Highlights: Field trips to TX Biomedical Research Institute, hands-on forensics work, lab opportunities (see below).
Jobs include: primate research, forensics, and criminal justice, paleoanthropology, and much much more.
Physical Anthropology + LAB/ANTH 2304
This is the same Physical Anthropology class listed above but with a lab component. Take this class if you are interested in transferring to Texas State and studying forensics or if you just need a Natural Science credit with a lab!
Archaeology/ANTH 2302
Archaeology is a Social Science credit and is a hands-on discipline that explores the cultures and development of past peoples. Register for our Field School course, which takes place in south San Antonio and during which students conduct actual fieldwork in the form of an excavation.
Highlights: Hands-on experience in our field school, work with professionals in the field, find actual artifacts!
Jobs include: archaeologist, cultural resource management, museum curation, and more!
Cultural Anthropology/ANTH 2351
Cultural Anthropology is a Social Science credit that explores the myriad interactions people have all over the globe and how those have changed and continue to change. In this class, you will do actual ethnography fieldwork. And if you register for our Peace and Conflict course, you will do some service learning as well.
Highlights: Study abroad opportunities, hands-on ethnographic research, Peace and Conflict program participation, service-learning.
Jobs include: diplomat or government liaison, cultural researcher, human resources, linguist, and much much more!
Useful Links
Faculty and Staff
Contact Us |
Adam O. Aguirre Location: Phone: |
Kim Linsenbardt Location: Phone: |